The story of The Odd Institute

Why we decided to start this website.

The Odd Institute: How to Make an App

In the early years of iOS development, as developers search for jobs, they often find it challenging to prepare for technical interviews. We wanted a system in which we can prepare ourselves in different environments with a gamified setting.

To address that, we decided to create and provide this as a service to all app developers. Odd Institute offers a holistic cycle of learning from courses to tutorials to general computer science topics, and finally, preparations for technical interviews.

It took several months before the first course was ready to launch, and it has since been growing steadily. The Odd Institute courses and interviews are designed to provide a complete system that offers app developers at different stages to improve their skills and prepare for various technical challenges and interviews.

At The Odd Institute. We aim to provide all the different aspects of mobile development in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

Ever since our soft launch in early 2016, The Odd Institute has grown to cater to over 60,000 developers with more than 25 courses and technical interview quizzes.

Who Are We

At Odd Institute we are a group of developers, educator and tech enthusiast. We strive on bringing our development expertise to you using simple courses, tutorials and quizzes.

Our Mission

Our mission statement is rather simple. We hope to prepare all mobile developers with the latest trends in programming, technology and overall understanding of the development process.

Our Products

We offer three distinct services:

Mobile development training courses

Specific case tutorials

Technical interviews